獨立策展人郭昭蘭(Jau-lan Guo)將於2012年5月2日在西班牙阿朵拉卡爾沃畫策劃一項以台灣影像與錄像藝術中的身體論為主題的展覽,展覽標題"How Can I Tell You Who I Am ?" 台灣當代藝術自從1987年解嚴以來,藝術家熱切的回應著社會激烈的變化,這個展覽將以身體論去回答"How Can I Tell You Who I Am?"。展覽邀請了四位來自台灣的藝術家:吳天章、姚瑞中、余政達、陳敬元,試圖從身體論的角度,去打開影像作品中有關身體意像的討論。影像中的身體,總是折射著表演者鑲崁於其身體,有關時間的、或空間的圖騰。這個展覽將從他們的作品中投射的身影,勾勒出一個關於台灣當代文化中的身體論軌跡;這個軌跡一方面反應藝術家如何在作品中處理著個體與集體、歷史、系統之間的交涉、迂迴、協商、阻滯,一方面也折射出更大的歷史、記憶、場所、政治以及社會交流。“How Can I Tell You Who I Am?”既是一個提問,也是一個回答。"How Can ITell You Who I Am ?"是個體在面對身份空缺的同時,被迫自我追問的處境。"How"指涉的是方法,"How Can I Tell You Who I Am ?"同時提問「是否存在一個說明自身的方法?」,"How Can I Tell You Who I Am ?" 暗示因為「妾身未明」而失語的窘態;"How Can I Tell You Who I Am ?"也是對存在核心主體的反問,以發問來懷疑問題的正當性。
Adora Calvo Galeria is honored to engage independent curator Ms. Jau-lan Guo to curate an exhibition titled "How Can I Tell You Who I am?" Since Taiwan's abolishment of the Martial Law in 1987, artists have been urgently responding to the sea change of Taiwanese society. This exhibition attempts to sketch out traces of the theoretical body within the cultural context from the silhouettes of the situated body projected in their work. While these traces reflect how the artists address historical and systemic issues of representation, negotiation, obstruction and rotation between the individual and the collective, they also project these silhouettes onto the midst of a larger history, memory, locale, politics and exchange. In other words, their work open up the crisscrossing axes of time, space, language, culture and systems that surround the body, and enable this to be seen as a visual form.This exhibition raises a question; meanwhile it responds to the situation when one's identity is absent. "How" implies a method about solving this problem but questioning, "Is there a method to describe one's identity at all?" This exhibition refers to the despair of losing words as one's identity is obscure, it also doubts the subject of the being, and the justification of raising such a question.